These forms start with a set of fields, and then when the customer who filled out the form has returned, the form displays the new fields. This allows you to get more information at once. For example, by using progressive fields in HubSpot , you can ensure that your contacts only see three questions at a time, with new questions appearing each time the form is filled out.
That way, you still get all the information you need without scaring away potential customers, and you have the opportunity to show off new territory (and gather more information) every time. To add these forms to your landing page (they don't work with popups), create industry mailing list new form under the Lead Capture option in the Marketing dropdown : Set up Smart Forms in HubSpot To make the field progressive, hover over the field and click the pencil icon. On the left, click the Logic tab.
How to Set Up Smart Forms in HubSpot In the Related Fields section, select the criteria that the form needs to meet to provide the second field, such as whether the contact filled in the field with a specific value or not at all. Set up smart forms in HubSpot related fields For example, if a prospect included their first and last name on the first form they filled out, those fields could instead ask about the industry on the next form.